Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 1 at Sabis Unniv

You all would love the fresh veggies here I swear the cukes are real - not cardboard

Worked 9am -9pm today but got our econ text here to students. Prepped for 4 hours and taught for 4.
Students are fine but not working hard enough to pass. Their English is terrible and they are not working on it - won't speak in class. Plan big pep talk tomorrow

I am very alive and passionate about the students succeeding. Helping the youth succeed in the mid East while the old men battle it out - their old grudges and hatreds.
As you can see i am pumped up about this.
PS I have been promoted already to >Head of Department (of 2 teachers) Gilaine would say I am nuts - a position with no pay, no authority but much responsibility


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