Friday, November 11, 2011

Coffee a la paper towel

Report from the frontier Nov. 12.

Cloudy here today but most days sunny and shirtsleeve weather. It is a dessert after all. I Heard about big storm in Alaska yesterday so maybe you are getting the tail end of it.

I make coffee by putting a paper towel inside a tea strainer. Can get good coffee but it is very fine grind like for Turkish coffee. Have not yet found a coffee maker. Everyone here drinks tea or Nescafé.

My roommate and fellow teacher, Driss is leaving the Univ. This is a disaster as I will be under pressure to  teach some of his courses. I can just manage the workload now so more would be ?! Story on Al Jazeera this am about highjacking  of a ferry in Turkey. Rumour it might have been a Kurdish independence fighter. Kurds want an independent country here and part of Turkey, Syria, etc. There will be more trouble here before things are done. It is more obvious here how tribal /family politics are here. Power guys play patriotism card to gain power for themselves. Same ol same old I guess but more obvious here.

They dumped 4 rolled up carpets in the front yard last week. Hussein the houseboy came after a few days and moved them into the house. No info re why here or who. Finally, my younger roommate who is never here came In and installed one. Its like Jack’s famous Montreal carpet roll.

I’m off to do some lesson prep

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