Monday, November 7, 2011

Nothing new here. Went to sook yesterday. like Istanbul - but packed with people. This place is a bit of a frontier town. Not pretty but vital. Our house-boy Hussein asked for a Aid tape yesterday - he meant a tip. Asking all the teachers in the area. Many are housed in the area. Driss (roommate) is going to Istanbul tomorrow.
Yesterday was the main festival day for Eid-ul-Adha. Alex went out looking for blood in the streets as all families are supposed to kill a sheep or whatevever and give the meat to friends and neigbours. But he did not see anything.

We have another block of time off in March but they won't pay for my airfare then.

Boring here but my mood is good and motivated to help the students.

It feels good to have that UP motivated feeling.

I made them a movie and a cartoon to try to get idea of cash flow.


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